Blanc Records discography
Blanc Records is Keith LeBlanc's label mainly, but not exclusively, for the release of his own 'musical' material (as opposed to his sample albums). The list below contains all known items that have been assigned or nominally allocated a Blanc catalogue number and is ordered by nominal number. Gaps in the catalogue numbering system may be due to Keith's sample CDs released through AMG also being allocated nominal Blanc catalogue numbers, but as this is not confirmed they have not been included.
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In common with the other label discographies, tracks given a [Rhythm xxx] notation link to the corresponding rhythm in the Rhythm Directory but the Rhythm Directory only links back to it here if it doesn't appear in any of the non-label orientated discographies. If the item also appears in a non-label discography then the Rhythm Directory links to the track in its listing there preferentially.
[1: 'Album' series]
Album: DJ Spike - 'Tasteless Cuts'
Blanc Records / 1989
LP: BLC 1 / CD: BLC 1CD / CLP: BLC 1C |
- * Baby Bye
- Gaps In Space
- Mr President
- Spike Part 1 ||
- M P B One-O-Five
- German
- Designer Drugs
- Stick Out
* The only version of a track to be released originally called 'Designer Drugs For Designer Clubs' that otherwise only appeared on a 6-track acetate. |
Album: Spike - 'Invisible'
Blanc Records / March (?) 1991
LP: BLC 3 / CD: BLC 3CD / CLP: BLC 3C |
- Outer Land (part 1)
- Spike's Groove
- Tick Of Time
- Micro Chip
- Eat This Dub ||
- Invisible
- C.A.B.
- No Means No
- Unsanity
- Outer Land (Part 2)
Sampler: Keith LeBlanc - 'Ear Drum Beats To Sample (Volume 1)'
Blanc Records / 1991
LP: BLC 4 / CD: BLC 4CD |
- Funk One
- Latin Funk
- Funk Two
- Funk Three
- Funk Four
- Funk Five
- Sloppy Funk ||
- Go-Go Loop One
- Go-Go Loop Two
- Put The Needle To The Sample
- Put The Needle To The Sample Two
- Put The Needle To The Sample Three EFX's
- New Jack Funk
- Bludgeon Funk
Singles: Tackhead - 'Videohead'
Blanc Records / September 1991
12": BLC 5 / CDS: BLC 5CD |
- Videohead (12" A Mix)
- Videohead (7" A Mix) ||
- Overload
- Dubhead
Album: Keith LeBlanc - 'Time Traveller'
Blanc Records / September 1992
LP: BLC 6 / CD: BLCD 6 |
- Skin Stretch
- Split The Planet
- Major Drum
- Ernie
- * Earshot
- Fight The System
- Point Blanc
- Howi
- Hallelujah ||
- Heaven Only Knows
- Time Traveller
- Enjoy
- * ESP
- * Nine Times Nine
- * Duo
* [Rhythm 194]
+ CD only tracks. |
Singles: Interference - 'Global Game'
Trinity - Blanc Records / June 1994
12": TRWW 005 / CDS: BLC 08 |
- Global Game ||
- * Global Game (So Now You Know)
- * Global Game (Global Dub)
- Global Game
- * Global Game (So Now You Know)
- * Global Game (Remote Control Dub)
* Mixed by AMS. |
Album: Spike - 'Global 2000'
Blanc Records / 1994
- Tunes (Part 1)
- Stomping
- Interference
- Tunes (Part 2)
- Beat Goes On
- Audio
- Flight ||
- Mad Movement
- Global 2000
- Change
- Story Of Violence
- The Mark
- String Thang
BLC 10
Compilation: Tackhead - 'Power Inc. Volume 1'
Blanc Records - EFA Medien / 1994 (UKCD)
Spin - Alfa Records / 1994 (JpCD)
UKCD: BLCD10 / JpCD: ALCA-551 |
- * Ticking Time Bomb [Tackhead]
- += Stealing (Original version) [T'head / B. Sherman]
- @= My One And Only One [Fats Comet]
- # Hard Left [Gary Clail / T'head]
- %= Original Sex [T'head / Melle Mel]
- < Stormy Weather [Fats Comet]
- > Bop Bop [Fats Comet]
- = Bastard Son Of Fats [T'head / B. Fowler]
- ~= Rockchester [Fats Comet]
- " What's My Mission Now? (Pt 1+2) [Tackhead]
= Previously unreleased track / version.
* 'Ticking Time Bomb Dub' from WR012.
+ Re-recorded with Bernard Fowler for WR013.
@ [Rhythm 66]
# [Rhythm 115] From DP16/WR007.
% Re-recorded as 'Dangerous Sex' for various singles and the 'Strange Things' LP.
< [Rhythm 65] From WR002.
> [Rhythm 39] From promo 7" (7)WR001.
~ Remixed from WR006.
" [Rhythm 50] From side A of DP13/WR010. |
BLC 11
Compilation: Tackhead - 'Power Inc. Volume 2'
Blanc Records - EFA Medien / 1994
CD: BLCD11 |
- *<% Mechanical Movements [T'head rmx by AMS]
- *</ Dreamworld (Dub) [Tackhead]
- *< Einstein [T'head Prod. rmx]
- *$~ Move It [Tackhead]
- * Free Free [Fats Comet]
- *$? Get This [T'head rmx by AMS]
- * Give A Little/This Is The Night [Fats Comet]
- * The Bubbly [Tackhead]
- *$ Technology Works [Tackhead]
- * Crosstown Traffic [T'head / Wimbish]
- * ! Original Change [Tackhead]
- " Body To Burn [T'head / Wimbish]
- ^ King Of The Beat [Tackhead / DJ Cheese]
* Previously unreleased track / version.
< Remixed from Keith LeBlanc's 'Stranger Than Fiction' LP.
$ Remixed from Keith LeBlanc's LP WR005.
% [Rhythm 118]
? [Rhythm 194]
/ [Rhythm 117]
~ [Rhythm 119]
! [Rhythm 122]
" [Rhythm 113] Originally from WR012.
^ [Rhythm 112] Originally from WR008. |
BLC 12
Sampler: Keith LeBlanc - 'Kickin' Lunatic Beats Volume 1'
Blanc Records / 1993
Advanced Music Group / 1996 (re-issue)
CD: BLC CD12 / Reissue CD/CD-ROM: HITCD17 |
(collection of drum beats and loops)
BLC 13
BLC 14
Compilation: Various Artists - 'Audium Capsule 1'
Blanc Records / October 1996
- # The Only Way Is Down [Akure Wall]
- * What Order [Interference/Melle Mel/Be La Key]
- # Area 51 [Terminal Head]
- + The Biggest Game [Interference/Be La Key/Anointed]
- = The Beast [Bim Sherman/Keith LeBlanc]
- ~ Radio Free World [Anthony J. Hilder]
- Global Warning (Nu Era rmx) [Terminal Head]
- % Play What You Want [Keith LeBlanc/Sussan Deyhim]
- ? Arrow [True Noise]
- ? I Won't Let You Down [True Noise]
- < Point Blanc [Keith LeBlanc]
- > The King (Live) [Tackhead]
# Features mixing by AMS and Keith LeBlanc. See the AMS/On-U remix discography for more details.
* From the BLC 1410 10" single.
+ Remixed from BLC 8.
= From an unreleased Bim Sherman & Keith LeBlanc album 'The Vision'. Subsequently reissued on Keith LeBlanc's 'Stop The Confusion (Global Interference)' compilation.
~ From the unreleased spoken word compilation BLC 18.
% An instrumental version later featured on the BLC 16 album.
? Further True Noise tracks, featuring remixing by AMS and Keith LeBlanc, had previously appeared on BLC TRUECD1.
< From the BLC 1410 10" single. Edited on the BLC 6 album.
> [Rhythm 112] Edited on BLC 17 and the BLC 1710 10" single. |
BLC 15
Originally allocated to a Keith LeBlanc album 'The Last Show On Earth' (due December 1997, later re-compiled and released as BLC 16). This catalogue number was ultimately not allocated.
BLC 16
Album: Keith LeBlanc - 'Freakatorium'
Blanc Records - EFA Medien / 1999
CD: BLC 16 CD |
- Scream
- Freaktime
- When Bugs Come Out
- A-Levels
- Here To Go
- Mars Car
- Big Time
- New Frontier
- Uncut Funk
- Noom
- In Between The Cracks
- Play What You Want (Instrumental version)
- * Freak Dub (A. Sherwood remix)
* Dub of 'Freaktime'. |
BLC 17
Compilation: Tackhead - 'Power Inc. Volume 3 (Live)'
Blanc Records - EFA Medien / 1997
- [Gorge Pick Up]
- The Bubbly
- [Pick Up The Phone]
- * The Laws Of Repetition
- [Pick Up #2]
- Doug Storm
- [You're Dogging Me]
- + The King
- [Pick Up The F***king Phone]
- The Game
- [Pick Up #3]
- Mind At The End Of The Tether
- [Fats Comet?]
- Air Born Ranger
- [Kadoosh]
- Shake The House (featuring Mark Stewart)
- [Easy Mike]
- Ticking Time Bomb
- [Fletcher]
- = Object Subject
- [KKK]
- # Heaven On Earth
- [Anybody]
- @ Hard Left
- [Bam]
- % New York Breakdown
- [Gorge Picks Up!]
* Studio version on LP75(USCD) and 'On-U Out Of Control' compilation as 'Laws Of Repetition'.
+ [Rhythm 112]
= [Rhythm 49]
# [Rhythm 77]
@ [Rhythm 115]
% Version of 'The Message' originally by Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five. |
BLC 18
Compilation: Anthony J. Hilder - 'Radio Free World' (unreleased)
Blanc Records / June 1997
CD/CLP: (BLC 18) |
- Radio Free World
* Previewed on BLC 14. |
BLC 19
Shelved CD re-issue (possibly combined) of Keith LeBlanc's 'Major Malfunction' and/or 'Stranger Than Fiction' albums "complete with remixes, unreleased tracks and other bits never before heard in the sonic spectrum!"
BLC 20
A planned CD re-issue of 'Tackhead Tape Time' that never saw light of day.
[2: Singles]
CD single: True Noise - 'Hanging In Mid Air'
Blanc Records - EFA Medien / 1995
- Hanging In Mid Air
- * Wind Dub
- * Hanging In
- Oh Hani
* Remixed by AMS and Keith LeBlanc. |
BLC 1410
10" compilation: Melle Mel and Keith LeBlanc - 'What Order'
Blanc Records - EFA Medien / 1996
BLC 1410 |
- * What Order [Interference / Melle Mel / Be-La Key]
- *+ Point Blanc (AMS remix) [K. LeBlanc] ||
- = (selection of drum beats / loops) [K. LeBlanc]
* From BLC 14 compilation.
= From BLC 12 sampler.
+ Remixed BLC 6.
BLC 1710
10" compilation: Tackhead - 'Power Inc.'
Blanc Records - EFA Medien / 1997
BLC 1710 |
- * [Gorge Pick Up]
- * The Bubbly
- * [Pick Up The Phone]
- *~ The Law Of Repetition
- * [Kadoosh]
- *" The King
- * [Pick Up The F***king Phone]
- * The Game
- * [Easy Mike] ||
- % Stealing (original version)
- % Original Sex
- <^ Original Change
- < The Bubbly (studio party mix)
* From BLC 17.
% From BLC 10.
< From BLC 11.
~ Studio version on LP75(USCD) and 'On-U Out Of Control' compilation as 'Laws Of Repetition'.
" [Rhythm 112]
^ [Rhythm 122] |
[3: Miscellaneous Items]
12" acetate single: Keith LeBlanc / Gary Clail - 'Designer Drugs For Designer Clubs'
Blanc Records / 1989
(?) |
- Designer Drugs For Designer Clubs (6 mixes)
Album: Bim Sherman / Keith LeBlanc - 'The Vision' (unreleased)
Blanc Records / April 1997
CD: ('BLC 17') |
To have included:
- * The Beast
- + The Vision
- + Time Out
* From BLC 14.
+ Eventually released on Keith's 'Stop The Confusion (Global Interference)' compilation. |
Album: Various Artists - 'Bubble Heads' (unreleased)
Blanc Records / 199?
(?) |
Album: Keith LeBlanc - 'Playback Unit' (unreleased)
Blanc Records (?) / 1999
(?) |