Green Tea Records discography
Green Tea Records was set up in 1997, and like Pressure Sounds, was originally a subsidiary of On-U Sound. However, since Pressure Sounds became the independent concern of Adrian Sherwood's friend, Pete Holdsworth, it now operates under his wing. Its brief was / is to release output by On-U 'family' artists or 'friends' of On-U that are worthy of airing, but not quite suited to bearing the On-U Sound label. Output to date has been sporadic as suitable material for release comes occasionally to the fore. Releases are free from direct Sherwood involvement (unless stated) but with familiar On-U 'names' regularly credited and Sherwood often being part of the link that makes each release happen.
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In common with the other label discographies, any tracks given a [Rhythm xxx] notation link to the corresponding rhythm in the Rhythm Directory but the Rhythm Directory only links back to it here if it doesn't appear in any of the non-label orientated discographies. If the item also appears in a non-label discography then the Rhythm Directory links to the track in its listing there preferentially.
[1: Albums]
GTCD 001
Album: Universe Crew - 'What's Inside Your Afro?'
Universe Crew Productions / 1995 (USCD)
Green Tea Records / 1997 (UKCD)
USCD: UCP 001 / UKCD: GTCD 001 |
- Which Way To The Universe
- Where We Come From
- 11:11
- What's Inside Your Afro?
- Thieves Of Time
- Ghetto Sandwich
- Stranger In The Pentagon
- Indo Stick
- 1984-1994
- Johnny Law
- The Way For...
- ...Our Planet...
- ...To Launch Species...
- ...To The Source
- * Hurdy Gurdy Man
* Not on USCD. |
GTCD 002
Album: Dry & Heavy - 'One Punch'
Beat Records / 1998 (JpCD)
Green Tea Records / 1999 (UKCD)
JpCD: BRC-14 / UKCD: GTCD 002 |
UK edition:
- Mr Blueflame (Long version)
- Radical Star
- Radical Organ
- Triumph
- Lost World
- Say No More
- Night Flight
- Kick The Bong Around
- Dub The Bong Around
- The Athlete
- Don't Give Up Your Fight
- Herbal Wise
Japan edition:
- Mr Blueflame (Short version)
- Triumph
- Harmony
- Lost World
- Say No More
- Don't Give Up Your Fight
- Herbal Wise
- Night Flight
- Gassy Disco
- The Athlete
GTCD 003
Album: Dry & Heavy - 'Full Contact'
Beat Records / 2000 (Jp/UKLP and JpCD)
Green Tea Records / June 2000 (UKCD)
BSI Records / October 2000 (USLP/CD)
JpLP/UKLP: BRLP-24 / JpCD: BRC-24 / UKCD: GTCD 003
USLP: BSI017-1 / USCD: BSI017-2 |
Japan / UK editions:
- Tiger Claw Skank
- Dawn Is Breaking
- King Cobra Style
- Rumble
- Love Explosion
- Knife
- Private Plan
- Life In The Jungle
- The Smoker's Cough
- Landing
- * Less Is More Version
US editions:
- Dawn Is Breaking
- Heavy Special
- Knife
- King Cobra Style
- Rumble
- Love Explosion
- Love Explosion Version
- Private Plan
- Life In The Jungle
- Less Is More
- Less Is More Version
- The Smoker's Cough
- Landing
* On CD copies only. |
GTCD 004
Album: King Jammy meets Dry & Heavy... - '...In The Jaws Of The Tiger'
Beat Records / October 2000 (JpCD)
Green Tea Records / October 2000 (UKCD)
BSI Records / May 2001 (USLP/CD)
JpCD: BRC-30 / UKCD: GTCD 004
USLP: BSI020-1 / USCD: BSI020-2 |
- Do Dub Up Your Fight (Don't Give Up You Fight)
- Rumble Dub (Rumble)
- Dub World (Lost World)
- Radical Dubber (Radical Star)
- Mr. Dub (Mr Blue Flame)
- Breaking Dub (Dawn Is Breaking)
- Private Plan Dub (Private Plan)
- Harmony Dub (Harmony)
- Night Flight Dub (Night Flight)
- Tiger Claw Dub (Tiger Claw Skank)
- Less Is Dub (Less Is More)
- Love Explosion Dub (Love Explosion)
- * King Cobra Dub (King Cobra Style)
* On US copies only. |
GTCD 005
Album: Dry & Heavy - 'New Creation'
Green Tea Records / 2002 (UKCD)
Beat Records / July 2002 (JpLP1/CD1)
Beat Records / September 2002 (JpLP2/CD2)
JpDLP1: BRLP55 / JpCD1: BRC-55
JpDLP2: BRLP56 / JpCD2: BRC-56 |
UK edition:
- Reverse Again
- Strictly Baby
- Silent Drive
- Still Silent
- The Dog And The Chicken
- New Creation
- Riders Version
- Right Track
- Don't Make The Children Cry
- Kombu
- Bright Shining Dub
JpLP1/CD1: 'From Creation' (vocal)
- Reverse Again
- New Creation
- Strictly Baby
- Show A Fine Smile
- Silent Drive
- Watch Your Step
- Kombu
- The Dog And The Chicken
- Don't Make The Children Cry
- Riders On The Storm
- Right Track
- Bright Shining Star
JpLP2/CD2: 'Dub Creation' (dub)
- Reverse Again Again
- More Creation
- Strictly Version
- Dub My Smile
- Still Silent
- Dub Your Step
- Divers Dub
- Dog Sniffs Chicken Pecks
- In The Name Of Dub
- Riders Version
- The Right Dub
- Bright Shining Dub
GTCD 006
Album: LVX Collective - '50.5.10'
Green Tea Records / 2007
CD: GTCD 007 |
- Wake Up
- Medicine Man
- The Way It Is
- Shining
- David's Hood
- Light Storm
- Expressions
- Days Like This
- Tomorrows Right Now
- Zion Day
- Happiness
- Head 'Em Up Move Em Out
- Prime Directives
- Reincarnated
- Oxygenisis
[2: 7" singles]
GTSI 001
7" single: Nick Riggio - 'Everything's Burning'
Green Tea Records / 2002
GTSI 001 |
- Everything's Burnin' ||
- Still Warm
GTSI 002
EP: Jeb Loy Nichols - 'The October EP'
Green Tea Records / October 2003 (Promo CDEP1/7"EP)
Green Tea Records - Paul Smith / 2004 (Promo CDEP2)
Promo CDEP1: L109JS302052646F03
7"EP: GTSI 002 / Promo CDEP2: (-) |
- Don't Dance With Me
- Carry This Weight ||
- Mother Your Son
- Ring The Bells
GTSI 003
7" single: LVX Collective - 'Days Like These'
Green Tea Records / July 2007
GTSI 003 |
- Days Like These ||
- Days Like These (Version)
[3: 10"/12" singles]
GTT 001
12" single: Universe Crew - 'What's Inside Your Afro?'
Green Tea Records / 1997
GTT 001 |
- * What's Inside Your Afro? ||
- + Which Way To The Universe
* A highly edited version appears on GTCD 001.
+ From GTCD 001. |
GTT 002
12" single: Headfake - 'Cycles'
Green Tea Records / 1997
GTT 002 |
- Cycles ||
- * Cycles (Ned's Doug 'N' Bass mix)
* Remixed by Ned Kelly of Underwolves. |
GTT 003
12" single: Audio Active / Universe Crew - 'What's Inside Your Afro?'
Green Tea Records / 1998
GTT 003 |
- * What's Inside Your Afro? (Audio Active mix) [Universe Crew]
- + Coolness In My Foolishness [Audio Active] ||
- = Citizen Zombie (Ohio Dub Funk remix) [Audio Active]
- Turn Of The Century (World War III mix) [Universe Crew]
* Remixed from GTCD 001.
+ [Rhythm 217] From LP94.
= Remixed from LP94 by the Universe Crew. |
GTT 004
12" single: Dry & Heavy - 'Mr Blue Flame'
Green Tea Records / 1999
GTT 004 |
- * Mr Blue Flame (Long version)
- + Night Flight Pt.2 ||
- Bass Of Ace
- + Herbal Wise (Organ version)
* From GTCD 002 (UK edition).
+ Remixed from GTCD 002. |
GTT 005
12" single: Dry & Heavy - 'Radical Star'
Green Tea Records / 1999
GTT 005 |
- * Radical Star
- + Radical Star (Keyboard version) ||
- * Kick The Bong Around (Re-take Dry & Heavy)
- * Dub The Bong Around
* From GTCD 002 (UK edition).
+ Retitled on GTCD 002 (UK edition) as 'Radical Organ'. |
GTT 006
12" single: Frankie Paul - 'Anytime'
Green Tea Records / 2000 (?)
GTT 006 |
- Anytime (Original J.A. version)
- Anytime (Dave Harrow remix) ||
- Anytime (Junior Dubbs remix)
- Anytime (Junior Dubbs instrumental)
GTT 007
10" single: Dry & Heavy - 'Remixed In Kingston JA By King Jammy'
Green Tea Records / 2001 (?)
GTT 007 |
- Private Plan Dub
- Radical Dubber ||
- Rumble Dub
- * King Cobra
* Titled on GTCD 004 (US editions) as 'King Cobra Dub' |
GTT 008
10" single: Adrian Sherwood - 'Zero Zero One'
Green Tea Records / 2002
GTT 008 |
- * Zero Zero One ||
- + Pass The Rizla (Raw version)
* [Rhythm 206]
+ [Rhythm 205] Features vocal samples by Bim Sherman from Audio Active's 'Free The Marijuana' single on LP73 and DP28. |
GTT 009
12" single: Dry & Heavy - 'New Creation'
Green Tea Records / June 2002
GTT 009 |
- * New Creation
- + Creation Version ||
- * Right Track
- = The Right Dub
* From GTCD 005.
+ From the Japan-only 'Dub Creation' album, titled there 'More Creation'.
= From the Japan-only 'Dub Creation' album. |
GTT 010
10" single: Simon Bogle & Ghetto Priest - 'Dry Bone'
Green Tea Records / 2002
GTT 010 |
- Dry Bone ||
- Dry Bone Version