Keith LeBlanc discography
As well as releasing conventional music CDs, in recent years Keith has helped meet the demand from other music makers for authentic percussion sampler products. These two distinct categories of material are separated for convenience in the listings below.
As well as his solo releases Keith was the beat master behind Tackhead and Fats Comet's releases. He has also featured on numerous other On-U Sound releases particularly with Doug Wimbish and Skip McDonald / Little Axe. Together with Doug and Skip he featured in many early Sugarhill Records releases as a member of the backing house band and has been a guest musician with many mainstream artists such as Seal, Annie Lennox, ABC, Mick Jagger, R.E.M., Bomb The Bass and Nine Inch Nails. AMS's involvement in these releases is noted where appropriate. Keith also has his own label, Blanc Records, on which he has made a number other appearances.
1: Music releases
Summary of releases:
- Singles: Malcolm X (Music by Keith LeBlanc) - 'No Sell Out'
- Album: Keith LeBlanc - 'Major Malfunction'
- 12" single acetate: Keith LeBlanc / Gary Clail - 'Designer Drugs For Designer Clubs'
- Album: DJ Spike - 'Tasteless Cuts'
- Album: Keith LeBlanc - 'Stranger Than Fiction'
- Singles: Keith LeBlanc - 'Einstein'
- Album: Raw (Keith LeBlanc) - 'Raw'
- Album: Spike - 'Invisible'
- Album: Keith LeBlanc - 'Time Traveller'
- Singles: Malcolm X (Music by Keith LeBlanc) - 'Stop The Confusion'
- Album: Spike - 'Global 2000'
- Singles: Interference - 'Global Game'
- 10" compilation: Melle Mel and Keith LeBlanc - 'What Order'
- Album: Keith LeBlanc - 'Freakatorium'
- Album: Keith LeBlanc - 'Playback Unit' (unreleased)
- Compilation: Keith LeBlanc / Various Artists - 'Stop The Confusion (Global Interference)'
- Album: Keith LeBlanc - 'Chess Moves: Future Blues'
Singles: Malcolm X (Music by Keith LeBlanc) - 'No Sell Out'
Tommy Boy Music / November 1983 (US12")
Tommy Boy Music - Island / 1983 (UK editions)
Tommy Boy Music / 1993 (USCDS)
US12": TB 840 / USCDS: TBCD 840
UK7": IS165 / UK12": 12 IS165 |
7" edition:
- No Sell Out (Vocal edit) ||
- No Sell Out (Instrumental edit)
12"/CDS editions:
- No Sell Out (Vocal) ||
- No Sell Out (Instrumental)
Album: Keith LeBlanc - 'Major Malfunction'
World Records / 1986 (UKLP), 1988 (UKCD)
Cleopatra Records / February 2003 (USCD reiss.)
Select Cuts - EFA Medien / May 2003 (Euro reissues)
UKLP: WR 005 / UKCD: WR 005CD / UKCLP: WR 005C
USCD reiss.: 1274 / Euro DLP reiss.: 33423-1
Euro CD reiss.: SC2023 33423-2 |
UK/Euro editions:
- * (intro)
- + Get This
- Major Malfunction
- = Heaven On Earth
- # Object-Subject (Breakdown's Not Enough) ||
- @ M.O.V.E.
- % I'll Come Up With Something
- ! Technology Works Dub
- < M.O.V.E. (Part 2)
- You Drummers Listen Good || (Euro DLP reissue only)
- "> Einstein Mad Dub
- "^ Mechanical Movements Dub || (Euro DLP reissue only)
- " Tick Of Time Instrumental
- " Old Beat Master Mix
USCD reiss.:
- @ M.O.V.E.
- % I'll Come Up With Something
- ! Technology Works Dub
- < M.O.V.E. (Part 2)
- You Drummers Listen Good
- * (intro)
- + Get This
- Major Malfunction
- = Heaven On Earth
- # Object-Subject (Breakdown's Not Enough)
- ~ The Mad Years
* [Rhythm 50]
+ [Rhythm 194]
= [Rhythm 77]
# [Rhythm 49]
@ [Rhythm 119]
% Remixed segment from 'King Of The Beat' [Rhythm 112]
< [Rhythm 119] Percussion appears as part of 'Bits And Pieces' on African Head Charge's .
> The same track as 'Einstein (Edit)' on the singles.
^ [Rhythm 118] Virtually identical to 'Mechanical Movements' on .
! Remixed on BLC 11.
" Bonus tracks on European reissues only.
~ Bonus track on USCD reissue only. |
12" acetate single: Keith LeBlanc / Gary Clail - 'Designer Drugs For Designer Clubs'
Blanc Records / 1989
(?) |
- Designer Drugs For Designer Clubs (6 mixes)
Album: DJ Spike - 'Tasteless Cuts'
Blanc Records / 1989
LP: BLC 1 / CD: BLC 1CD / CLP: BLC 1C |
- * Baby Bye
- Gaps In Space
- Mr President
- Spike Part 1 ||
- M P B One-O-Five
- German
- Designer Drugs
- Stick Out
* The only version of a track to be released originally called 'Designer Drugs For Designer Clubs' that otherwise only appeared on a 6-track acetate. |
Album: Keith LeBlanc - 'Stranger Than Fiction'
Yellow Ltd - Nettwerk Records / 1989 (Ge editions)
Nettwerk - Enigma Records / 1989 (US editions)
Nettwerk Records / 1989 (Ca editions)
GeLP: EFA 02244 / GeCD: EFACD 02244
USLP: 7 73364-1 / USCD1/2: 7 73364-2
USCLP: 7 73364-4 / CaLP: W1 30032
CaCD: W2 30032 |
- But Whitey
- * Einstein
- + Taxcider
- = Here's Looking At You
- # Steps
- Count This ||
- Whatever
- Men In Capsules
- @ Dream World
- These Sounds
- ? Mechanical Movements (Part 1)
- % Mechanical Movements (Part 2)
- < Comedy Of Errors
* Later remixed for the single 'Einstein'.
+ [Rhythm 51]
= Later featured on the single 'Einstein'.
# [Rhythm 120]
@ [Rhythm 117]
? [Rhythm 193]
% [Rhythm 118]
< [Rhythm 121] Not on CaCD. |
Singles: Keith LeBlanc - 'Einstein'
Yellow Ltd - Nettwerk Records / 1990 (Euro editions)
Nettwerk Records / 1990 (Ca12")
Euro7": EFA 0243 / Euro12" EFA 02243
Ca12": W1-3028 |
Euro 7":
- * Einstein (Edit) ||
- = Here's Looking At You
12" singles:
- * Einstein (Extended remix) ||
- * Einstein (Edit)
- = Here's Looking At You
* Remixed from 'Stranger Than Fiction' LP.
= From 'Stranger Than Fiction' LP. |
Album: Spike - 'Invisible'
Blanc Records / March (?) 1991
LP: BLC 3 / CD: BLC 3CD / CLP: BLC 3C |
- Outer Land (Part 1)
- Spike's Groove
- Tick Of Time
- Micro Chip
- Eat This Dub ||
- Invisible
- C.A.B.
- No Means No
- Unsanity
- Outer Land (Part 2)
Album: Keith LeBlanc - 'Time Traveller'
Blanc Records / September 1992
LP: BLC 6 / CD: BLCD 6 |
- Skin Stretch
- Split The Planet
- Major Drum
- Ernie
- * Earshot
- Fight The System
- Point Blanc
- Howi
- Hallelujah ||
- Heaven Only Knows
- Time Traveller
- Enjoy
- + ESP
- + Nine Times Nine
- + Duo
* [Rhythm 194]
+ CD only tracks. |
Singles: Malcolm X (Music by Keith LeBlanc) - 'Stop The Confusion'
4th And Broadway - Island Records / 1993
12": 12 BR 279 / CDS: BRCD 279 |
- Stop The Confusion
- Stop The Confusion (Friends And Enemies mix) ||
- Stop The Confusion (Music mix)
- Stop The Confusion (Woo mix)
Album: Spike - 'Global 2000'
Blanc Records / 1994
- Tunes (Part 1)
- Stomping
- Interference
- Tunes (Part 2)
- Beat Goes On
- Audio
- Flight ||
- Mad Movement
- Global 2000
- Change
- Story Of Violence
- The Mark
- String Thang
Singles: Interference - 'Global Game'
Trinity - Blanc Records / June 1994
12": TRWW 005 / CDS: BLC 08 |
- Global Game ||
- * Global Game (So Now You Know)
- * Global Game (Global Dub)
- Global Game
- * Global Game (So Now You Know)
- * Global Game (Remote Control Dub)
* Mixed by AMS. |
10" compilation: Melle Mel and Keith LeBlanc - 'What Order'
Blanc Records - EFA Medien / 1996
BLC 1410 |
- * What Order [Interference / Melle Mel / Be-La Key]
- *+ Point Blanc (AMS remix) [K. LeBlanc] ||
- = (selection of drum beats / loops) [K. LeBlanc]
* From BLC 14 compilation.
= From BLC 12 sampler.
+ Remixed from BLC 6.
Album: Keith LeBlanc - 'Freakatorium'
Blanc Records - EFA Medien / 1999
CD: BLC 16 CD |
- Scream
- Freaktime
- When Bugs Come Out
- A-Levels
- Here To Go
- Mars Car
- Big Time
- New Frontier
- Uncut Funk
- Noom
- In Between The Cracks
- Play What You Want (Instrumental version)
- * Freak Dub (A. Sherwood remix)
* Dub of 'Freaktime'. |
Album: Keith LeBlanc - 'Playback Unit' (unreleased)
Blanc Records (?) / 1999
(?) |
Compilation: Keith LeBlanc / Various Artists - 'Stop The Confusion (Global Interference)'
Echo Beach - Collision / July 2005
CD: CCT3003-2 |
- * Whatever [K. LeB.]
- + What Order [Interference/Melle Mel/Be La Key]
- = The Beast [K. LeB./Bim Sherman]
- # Green Theory [K. LeB./Bim Sherman]
- @ Story Of Violence [DJ Spike]
- % Technology Works [Tackhead]
- ! Steps [K. LeB.]
- < Stop The Confusion [Malcolm X]
- Tree [Interference feat. Andy Fairley]
- React Like This [Interference]
- " Remote Control Dub (AMS Dub) [Interference]
- > Time Out [K. LeB./Bim Sherman]
- ? Sleepy Head [Bomb The Bass feat. Bim Sherman]
- > The Vision [K. LeB./Bim Sherman]
- $ Repetition (Remix) [Tackhead]
- $ The Dentist [Tackhead]
- $ Tackhead Dub [Tackhead]
- ~ Tack Unit (Ext'd Interference Fri. 13th ver.) [T'head/Fats C.]
- ^ Stick Out [DJ Spike]
* From the 'Stranger Than Fiction' album.
+ From BLC 1410.
= From the unreleased Keith LeBlanc and Bim Sherman album 'The Vision'. Previously only available on BLC 14.
# From BLC 2.
@ From BLC 9.
% From BLC 11.
< From the 'Stop The Confusion' single.
> From the unreleased Keith LeBlanc and Bim Sherman album 'The Vision'.
? From Bomb The Bass' album 'Clear'.
$ Previously unreleased tracks/versions originally recorded for the 'Strange Things' album.
! [Rhythm 120] From the 'Stranger Than Fiction' album.
" From BLC 8 (CDS).
~ A remixed medley of Tackhead / Fats Comet tracks including parts from 'The Game', 'Dee Jay's Dream' [Rhythm 40] 'King Of The Beat' [Rhythm 112], 'Ticking Time Bomb', 'Rockchester' and 'What's My Mission Now?' [Rhythm 50].
^ From BLC 1. |
Album: Keith LeBlanc - 'Chess Moves: Future Blues'
Island - Universal Music / June 2008
CD: 9841607 / DL: (?) |
- Moanin' At Midnight
- Boom Boom (Out Go the Lights)
- So Glad I'm Living
- High Temperature
- Killing Floor
- Mother Earth
- Rock This House
- Third Degree
- Goin' Down Slow
- Booted
- Dearest Darling
- Jock-A-Mo
2: Sampler releases
Summary of releases:
- Sampler: Keith LeBlanc - 'Ear-Drum Beats To Sample (Volume 1)'
- Sampler: Keith LeBlanc - 'Kicking Lunatic Beats Volume 1'
- Sampler: Keith LeBlanc - 'Kicking Lunatic Beats Volume 2'
- Sampler: Keith LeBlanc - 'Fresh Killed Meat: Drum And Bass Carnage'
- Sampler: Keith LeBlanc - 'Fresh Killed Meat: Prime Funk'
- Sampler: Keith LeBlanc - 'Essential Trilogy Volume 1: Hip Hot Hard Phat'
- Sampler: Keith LeBlanc - 'Essential Trilogy Volume 2: Old Skool Beats - Class Of 2001'
- Sampler: Keith LeBlanc - 'Essential Trilogy Volume 3: Out There'
- Sampler: Keith LeBlanc - 'Phat Butt Jams'
- Sampler: Keith LeBlanc - 'Phat Sugar Jams'
- Sampler: Keith LeBlanc - 'Disco Drops Volume 1'
- Sampler: Keith LeBlanc - 'Drops In The Bronx Volume 2' (Multi track version)
- Sampler: Keith LeBlanc - 'Drops In The Bronx Volume 2' (Sample version)
- Sampler: Keith LeBlanc - '...And The Temple Of Boom'
- Sampler: Keith LeBlanc - 'Blast From The Past'
Sampler: Keith LeBlanc - 'Ear Drum Beats To Sample (Volume 1)'
Blanc Records / 1991
LP: BLC 4 / CD: BLC 4CD |
- Funk One
- Latin Funk
- Funk Two
- Funk Three
- Funk Four
- Funk Five
- Sloppy Funk ||
- Go-Go Loop One
- Go-Go Loop Two
- Put The Needle To The Sample
- Put The Needle To The Sample Two
- Put The Needle To The Sample Three EFX's
- New Jack Funk
- Bludgeon Funk
Sampler: Keith LeBlanc - 'Kickin' Lunatic Beats Volume 1'
Blanc Records / 1993
Advanced Music Group / 1996 (re-issue)
CD: BLC CD12 / Reissue CD/CDROM: HITCD17 |
(collection of drum beats and loops)
Sampler: Keith LeBlanc - 'Kickin' Lunatic Beats Volume 2'
Advanced Music Group / 1996
CD: KLBCD2 / CD-ROM: (?) |
(collection of drum beats and loops)
Sampler: Keith LeBlanc - 'Fresh Killed Meat: Drum And Bass Carnage'
Advanced Music Group / 1997
(collection of drum beats and loops)
Sampler: Keith LeBlanc - 'Fresh Killed Meat: Prime Funk'
Advanced Music Group / 1998
(collection of drum beats and loops)
Sampler: Keith LeBlanc - 'Essential Trilogy Volume 1: Hip Hop Hard Phat'
Advanced Music Group / April 2001
CD: AMGCDKLB5 / TCD: AMGCDKLB567 (full set) |
(collection of drum beats and loops)
Sampler: Keith LeBlanc - 'Essential Trilogy Volume 2: Old Skool Beats - Class Of 2001'
Advanced Music Group / April 2001
CD: AMGCDKLB6 / TCD: AMGCDKLB567 (full set) |
(collection of drum beats and loops)
Sampler: Keith LeBlanc - 'Essential Trilogy Volume 3: Out There'
Advanced Music Group / April 2001
CD: AMGCDKLB7 / TCD: AMGCDKLB567 (full set) |
(collection of drum beats and loops)
Sampler: Keith LeBlanc - 'Phat Butt Jams'
Advanced Music Group / February 2003
(collection of drum tracks)
Sampler: Keith LeBlanc - 'Phat Sugar Jams'
Advanced Music Group / June 2003
(collection of drum tracks)
Sampler: Keith LeBlanc - 'Disco Drops Volume 1'
Drumdrops / 2005
DDVD-ROM: DDV1-M-010 (Multi-track) |
(collection of drum tracks)
Sampler: Keith LeBlanc - 'Drops In The Bronx Volume 2' (Multi track version)
Drumdrops / 2005
(collection of drum tracks)
Sampler: Keith LeBlanc - 'Drops In The Bronx Volume 2' (Sample version)
Drumdrops / 2005
(collection of drum loops)
Sampler: Keith LeBlanc - '...And The Temple Of Boom'
Drumdrops / 2005
DDVD-ROM: KBTB-M-012 (Multi-track) |
(collection of drum tracks)
Sampler: Keith LeBlanc - 'Blast From The Past'
Drumdrops / 2005
DDVD-ROM: BFP-M-011 (Multi-track) |
(collection of drum tracks)